Creature Design Workshop - Parts 01 and 02 Bundle
Files Included
Included in the Workshop is a 4 page PDF document with approx. 50 images and 1,770 words covered over 14 steps. The package also includes 2 .PSD files with all of the imagery on different layers and an .abr file including 8 custom brushes for Photoshop.
The file is a .rar file so you will need to download Winrar which you can obtain for free if you don't already have it, or you can use Winzip if you have that program as well. You'll find 4 files when you extract the .rar file (1 PDF, 2 .PSD files and 1 .abr file)
If you choose to download the PDF document on your iPad or other mobile device, you can view it in iBooks or Kindle, both which are free apps. You won't be able to directly download the package to an iPad because it's a .rar file which first needs to be extracted on a computer.
Bundle Plus - Creature Design Workshop - Functional Design Part 02
An introduction to Creature Design for the Novice/Intermediate to more advanced level artists. This is part 02 to what will be a 3 part series covering foundation tips, advice, exercises, breakdown step by step content and advanced imagery to help you become a better creature designer. This series focuses predominately on Sci-fi "Alien Anatomy". This part of the series focuses mostly on Functional Design and the purpose behind creature concepts + thought process.
The information and imagery provided is set up to easily explain and communicate helpful techniques covering conceptual creature design through both written form and visual sketches.
Files Included
Included in the Workshop is a 6 page PDF document with approx. 60 images and 4,000 words covered over 14 steps. The package also includes 4 .PSD files with all of the imagery on different layers and an .abr file including 8 custom brushes for Photoshop. (The same brush set which was included in Part 01).
The file is a .rar file so you will need to download Winrar which you can obtain for free if you don't already have it, or you can use Winzip if you have that program as well. You'll find 6 files when you extract the .rar file (1 PDF, 4 .PSD files and 1 .abr file)
If you choose to download the PDF document on your iPad or other mobile device, you can view it in iBooks or Kindle, both which are free apps. You won't be able to directly download the package to an iPad because it's a .rar file which first needs to be extracted on a computer.
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